Monday, February 22, 2016

What Happens If I Don't Change My Air Filter?

Before discussing what happens to your AC unit when filters are not changed regularly, it is prudent you first understand a few things about air filters. An air filter is an essential part of your AC unit that traps dirt and airborne contaminants from the air entering your house protecting both your family and HVAC system. But where do those trapped particles go?  They build up on the air filter with time. So, the longer the air filter stays installed, the more particles it collects, and the less amount of air flows. Eventually, it is likely that your air filter will clog making it almost impossible for your AC unit to push air. You may end up needing to contact an HVAC repair technician due to potential damages.
If you don’t change your air filters regularly, then the following is bound to happen:

1.    Increased energy consumption. Your AC unit relies heavily on the cooling unit’s blower fan, the heating performance and circulation of air that can impact the amount of energy consumed. Meaning that if the blower fan works harder than usual when drawing air, it will be reflected in your higher energy bills. According to the US department of energy, a clogged air filter may use up to 15% of extra energy. Note that just as the inefficiency increases so do your energy bills until you either call your HVAC repair technician or you service the unit.

2.    Frozen evaporator coils. In case your filter clogs during the cooling summer season, it can make the cooling coil or the evaporator to freeze up. Reason being that only a small volume of air goes past the coil to dispel condensation produced during the freezing process. Lack of enough airflow makes this condensation to cool – reducing the system’s capacity to remove the heat from the air and cool your home. It causes you to get an HVAC repair guy to service your AC unit eventual breakdown.

3.    Inadequate cooling/heating. If your filter becomes clogged with a lot of dust, debris, and dander, then you are likely to experience cold and hot spots in your residence; because your blower fan is not able to efficiently and effectively pass the air. According to the Florida Public Service Commission research findings, the second cause of increased energy bills during the summer was the clogging of air filters. If you detect that anomaly, you should contact an HVAC repair professional.

4.    Unhealthy Air. Contacting your HVAC repair professional may not be enough if air with debris and dust is circulated in your home. Why? Because chronic allergies associated with respiratory and asthma conditions may arise forcing you to contact your family doctor. Worse still, if you keep a lot of chemicals in your house, or you own pets, the indoor air quality may impact your health negatively over time. Remember all that can happen if your air filter is clogged or serviced by an HVAC repair technician.

5.    Furnace failure. According to Diamond Certified Organization, clogged air filters are the leading cause of AC unit failure as they make heaters stop. Getting an HVAC repair technician to change your clogged air filter may not be a bad idea considering that if you change it improperly, it can damage the other internal components of your AC unit.

Regularly scheduled maintenance includes changing your air filters. Indoor Air Quality tests can also be done and with proper equipment, eradicated. Call Morgan Air today to schedule maintenance or provide you with proper filters for your AC unit.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Humidity Levels Affect Home Comfort

Humidity levels in the air affect the comfort of your home. 

Particularly true when you want to tailor the heating and cooling preferences to meet your home needs. Unfortunately, this is no exception during winter. Aside from the short days associated with the cold months, winter also brings along cold and dry air. The only way to make your home comfortable is by maintaining proper humidity level.
Indoor Humidity Levels
Ensure that your home has the right levels of moisture all the time. Proper humidity levels make your home feel warm in the winter making them more comfortable to live in.
It’s important to remember that indoor humidity levels within your home will be affected by many factors including the number of people in your home, the frequency of showers that were taken and the amount of laundry done.
When your indoor humidity level drops below 25%, it may affect your comfort and your loved ones. Therefore, it’s important to keep the correct humidity level.
What Can You Do About It?
To help address the problem in humidity levels within your home, you’ll need a humidification system. A humidifier is an obvious solution to the dry air present in your home. They are specially designed to not only increase comfort in your home but also to reduce the problems associated with dry air.
However, you need to be careful because too much humidity can be equally harmful bringing in molds and bacteria. A humidifier will help you manage indoor humidity during the winter usually with an average relative humidity level of 30 – 40% recommended for the dry winter months.
This range provides you and your family the best comfort within your home while protecting your wooden floor and furniture. Consider settling for a cool mist humidifier or whole house humidifiers though make sure they are properly maintained and cleaned for positive results.
Monitoring Your Home Humidity Levels
Want to maintain proper humidity level during the dry winter months? Well, a hygrometer would work perfectly so consider settling for one. This small, useful instrument often used alongside a properly maintained humidifier will show you the relative humidity level in your room. It helps you monitor air allowing you the opportunity to adjust the humidity level quickly whenever you want.
Problems Associated With Dry Air
The cold winter makes air within your home dry leaving you and your loved ones feeling pretty uncomfortable. Aside from the significant dry air symptoms like nosebleeds, chapped lips and itchy skin, you may also get colds, flu and sinus infections.
Moreover, your home furniture would equally feel the impact of the winter dryness. It may damage hardwood floors and furniture; this is no good news to any home owner.
Final Thought
It may not be easy to keep the correct humidity level. Fortunately, with this article, you now have relevant information to help maintain your indoor humidity level.
Make the right adjustments with your humidifiers while using a hygrometer to monitor the level of humidity in your home carefully. By doing this, you’ll be creating a comfortable and healthy living environment for you and your loved ones during the dry winter months.
However, it’s important to seek help from a professionally trained heating and cooling expert if you have any concerns about how to maintain proper home humidity levels. You can reach Morgan Air at 813-501-7765

Monday, February 1, 2016

10 Ways to Use Vinegar Around the House

Vinegar is a very affordable and natural alternative to many products that we regularly buy. Try using these tips to not only save money, but to be kinder to the environment.

1. Glass and Mirror Cleaner
Replace chemical cleaners with vinegar as a natural and cheaper alternative. Glass and mirrors will shine when cleaned with a mix of white vinegar and water.

2. Hair Rinse
Both white and apple cider vinegar make a great hair rinse. It removes built up residue and restores shine to hair without using oily hair products. This is great for people who are susceptible to dandruff or an oily scalp.

3. Clean Coffee Maker
Soak your coffee pot in vinegar to dissolve the built up residue. Run vinegar through the coffee machine to clean the inside of it. The vinegar will evaporate, leaving otherwise impossible to clean parts of the coffee maker clean. Be sure to run water through after you’re finished with the vinegar.

4. Unclog and deodorize drains
To unclog a drain: Pour one-half cup of baking soda and then 1 cup of vinegar down the sink or tub drain through a funnel. The mixture will foam up as it unclogs your drain.

5. Shine Your Silverware
Take a soft cloth and dip it in white vinegar. Gently rub off any water stains and dullness from the silverware. Alternatively, you can fill the bottom of your (clean) sink with vinegar and toss all your silverware in for a complete makeover. Dry as usual.

6. Make a Homemade Orange Essence Cleaner
Save your orange peels and soak them in vinegar for two or three weeks. The white vinegar will become orange, meaning you’ve extracted the essence necessary for cleaning. Strain the peels and use the liquid as any other strong surface cleaner.

7. Remove Pet Odors
Simply soak the smelly area in vinegar. If the odor is really bad, add a few tea tree oil drops to the vinegar soak.

8. Cleanse Retainers and Dentures
To cleanse and disinfect, leave your retainers or dentures in some white vinegar for several hours.

9. Brighten Your Laundry
Add a half a cup to any laundry load to brighten the colors

10. Ant Deterrent
Spraying white vinegar wherever ants congregate in the house will deter them without damaging the area. This is especially great if you notice ants coming in from a carpeted room. Mopping with vinegar regularly is a great preventative measure if you know an area is susceptible to ants.