Friday, August 26, 2016

Why Change Your Air Filters Now?

Top 3 Reasons to Change Your HVAC Filters

If your air is not running as well as you think it should be the filters could be to blame.  Your HVAC filter is the only thing keeping particles and outdoor allergens from becoming unwanted guests in your home.  Changing your filters on a regular basis is the key to proper air flow and efficiency.  Here are the top 3 reasons you should change your air filters now.

Give your ac unit a rest

Your AC has been running all summer long… when you have clogged air filters, your HVAC unit is working extra hard to pump out the air through the dirty filter.  This puts unnecessary wear and tear on your unit and could lead to costly repairs.  A simple filter change can save you hundreds in the long run.

Breathe easy

Do you notice your sinuses acting up or a clogged nose?  Your HVAC filter removes allergens and pollen from the air before it enters your home.  Your filter needs to be changed on a regular basis so the air in your home is fresh.  You, your family and even your pets will be breathing easy when you change the filter.

Save money

Let’s face it, HVAC repair can be costly.  And who wants to pay more than they have to on their monthly electric bill?  If you change your filters, your unit will be more energy efficient which saves you money.  You will also cut down on costly repairs to your unit.

Don’t waste another minute; change your filters now for energy efficiency, money savings and overall better health.  If you aren’t sure how to change your filters be sure to contact your local HVAC repair service for assistance. Call Morgan AC today 813-500-7765