Monday, July 20, 2015

Throwing Money out the Air Ducts?

You’ve heard of throwing money out the window right? What about throwing money out of the air ducts?

Florida homes have forced-air heating and cooling systems, in which air ducts are used to distribute the air to each room in the house. In many of these homes, about 20 to 30 percent of the air that moves through the duct system is lost due to holes, leaks, and poorly connected ducts. According to recent studies you could be losing hundreds of dollars each year due to leaking ducts, and potentially not even realize it. Duct leaks have been referred to as one of the top 3 energy wasters in most homes. Significant amount of energy is often lost when air ducts have even a small number of leaks. In addition to money concerns, leaking air ducts could create health risks, with air not being circulated properly and moist air settling in can lead to condensation and mold/mildew growth. Not to mention outdoor pollutants and airborne particulates. As a duct loses conditioned air, outside air is sucked in to replace it, drawing in those pollutants and your unit is working harder than necessary to maintain a constant temperature.

·         There are many signs that may point to air duct leaks that include:
·         It can be difficult to keep the house comfortable, no matter how the thermostat is set.
·         Unusual Spike in Utility Bills
·         Different rooms have different temperatures, and you have difficulty heating or cooling one room over another.
·         You find a tangled or kinked flexible Duct in your system
·         Excessive amounts of dust, no matter how often you clean

Some of the above descriptions could have you wondering if you too might have a duct leak. If any of those points resonate with you, it might be time to inspect your HVAC system. It is always best to hire a professional to properly diagnose any potential problems. Crawling around in my attic is not exactly how I like to spend my Saturday afternoon. Finding the major leaks are easy… you can feel the air blowing out, however, smaller leaks are not as easy to find. Most of the leaks are where the ducts are connected together with screws, and while may seem minute… there is strength in numbers. The greater amount of tiny leaks, the bigger the problem. Best to leave it to the experts.

Scheduled maintenance regularly from a professional once or twice a year can prevent small duct leaks from becoming bigger issues that will end up costing you additional time, energy, and money. In the Tampa area there are so many choices for AC contractors, its tough to choose a reliable company. Morgan Air guarantees honesty, reliability and integrity. They also offer a FREE second opinion. Their technicians are always available and offer valuable insight and same day service. Morgan Air 14807 N 12th St, Lutz, FL 33549 (813) 500-7765

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